Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Saturday, September 1, 2007 at 4:15 am I am awakened to my cell phone ringing. Odd that I receive a call so early on a Saturday morning but I answer it. My mom informs me that my brother, Johnny, has been in an accident and is being taken to the emergency room via ambulance. She has no details at that time but is on her way to the ER and will call me once she gets there to let me know how he is and the extent of his injuries.
Naturally, I could not go back to sleep and immediately spent that time waiting, in prayer. I did know that he had been somewhere he didn't need to be and was doing something he didn't need to be doing but when God has a plan for your life, you can run all you want but it can't change the plans He has for you.
About and hour and a half later mom called me back. Johnny was coherent and appeared to be fine. His upper lip was cut open on the inside from where he hit the steering wheel and he had several cuts, bruises and scrapes on his arms. The doctors were going to do a CT scan and X-rays to make sure there were no broken bones nor internal injuries. Results of that would be a little later.
In the meantime, the details of the accident go a little something like this according to the eye witness who made a statement to the police:
Johnny was driving on the interstate and passed this man. As he was passing the man looked over at Johnny and saw him slump over. He had fallen asleep at the wheel and apparently when he did, his foot became lead on the gas pedal. He accelerated and went off the interstate headon into a tree. The truck caught on fire upon impact but Johnny was still asleep/unconscious. The man ran down to the truck and knocked on the driver window trying to wake Johnny up. Johnny woke up *miraculously* and got his legs out from under the dashboard to kick out the driver side window. The engine was shoved into the cab of the truck. The gas pedal was shoved up to where the steering wheel was...the steering wheel broke off completely. The gang box that was in the bed of the truck collided into the cab of the truck. The whole truck basically folded up like an accordion.
CT scan and X-Rays came back clear. No other injuries! The first picture above is a view of the front of the truck. The passenger side sustained much more damage than what is pictured. The 2nd picture is a picture of the driver seat where Johnny sat. The 3rd picture is the extent of his injuries! Just a busted up lip, scrapes, bruises and a knick on his right knee cap where the gas pedal came up at. He is a walking miracle and I give God the glory for the angels He commissioned to protect him that morning. I am thankful for the man God sent on the interstate at that time of the morning who ran down and risked even his own life to try to wake Johnny up. If he had not been there I believe Johnny would have burned up and never known what happened. See, when God has a plan for you there is NOTHING the devil can do to stop it!!!!!

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