Friday, December 18, 2009

Lightroom 2.0

Check MckMama's site for a chance to win photo editing software-Adobe Lightroom 2! My fave program ever!!!!!!!!!
You'll love it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Win an HP TouchSmart 600

Visit Kelly at Kelly's Korner for details on how to win a touch-screen computer! Awesome contest!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Making promises I cannot keep?

Could I possibly promise to stay more up to date on this blog? Would it be any different from all the other times I've said I'd like to blog more often? Will I find myself spending a lot of time in front of this blank blog screen and endlessly sharing the goings on in my life? Nope...I just cannot make any promises that I cannot keep! But I can say that I WISH I could make that promise because I WISH I had more "free" time to do so. Therefore, I can only say that I will blog when I can think about blogging and have time to blog. I don't know that anyone reads this anyway so I don't think I'm letting anyone down! :o) It's just a fun thing to do from time to time. I should try to create a special Header for it so it looks all cute and stuff. We'll see how that works out!
What's new in my world?
Ava is almost 16 months old now! Such a big girl and such a cutie pie! Her vocabulary is expanding and just a little over a week ago she has learned how to use the word "no" in context...and she loves it! :o/ Much to my dismay! But it is still kinda cute in a way! She tries to repeat words we say like tree, bird and dog. Her most favorite thing in the world is books!!! She would rather sit down in the floor and flip through a book than play with any of her other toys. She loves to copy what her daddy does. Jordan stands with his arms crossed when he's talking to you and Ava will cross her arms and very intently watch what he does with his arms. If I kneel on the floor with both knees on the floor, she will get down and do the same. It's just the cutest thing! She loves marshmallows bananas, cheese, fruit loops and any kind of bread! She eats good healthy stuff like fruits and veggies too. She's a healthy little chunk. She weighed 26 pounds and 9 ounces at her 15 month checkup. She's just a tiny bit tall for her age but right on track with everything else. She still sucks her thumb and loves her "Bear". She's trying to whistle and thinks its so funny when I whistle for her. She has her own little dance that we have named "The Chicken Wing". She'll flap just her right arm up and down while wiggling the rest of her body to any music beat. We're still trying to get that on video! We are still loving every little second with her and every little inch of her!
As for me...I've been taking college classes since August and I've really been enjoying it. Looking forward to finishing and getting my degree but I love all that I've been learning. It's been a challenge to work a full time job and be a mother and a wife but Jordan has been a phenomenal help to me. I love that he also supports me in this new adventure. Jordan himself will be starting back to school in January. We will see how we'll manage all of that when the time comes. I'm really excited about the direction we are headed and the path we're on in our lives right now. God has been so gracious to us! I pray He will just continue to direct our steps.
I think that's about all we have going on right now. We are looking forward to celebrating this Christmas with Ava. She still won't be fully into the excitement and opening gifts this year but it will still be fun!
If I do not post again before Christmas, I hope you all have a blessed Christmas holiday with all your family and loved ones! Remember the Reason for this Season--The birth of Jesus! I pray you can feel His love surrounding you not only during this season but throughout the New Year!
And here are a few pictures of my little ham!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ava's Birthday

One year ago today, I was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to monitors and I.V.'s anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first baby. Four weeks earlier than the expected due date and as unprepared as I ever prepared to be! Blood pressure issues/preeclampsia sent me to my doctor the afternoon of August 4th. What I expected to be instructions of bedrest or some quick medicinal intake to keep it under control, I was struck with, "I need you to be in Labor & Delivery at 4:30 this afternoon. We'll induce first thing in the morning."
Seriously?! Immediately, I was flooded with panic. I have to get back to work and give Kim, my co-worker, the last minute instructions on what to do when I'm on maternity leave. I don't have my bags packed. I didn't wash Ava's new outfit for her to come home in. What about this? What about that? Aaah!!! Through the panic and anxiety, I was also full of anticipation and expectation for the very thing I had waited what seemed an eternity for, was finally in my arms. I could hardly wait for my eyes to behold the most precious gift I could ever have been given.
Labor and delivery NEVER goes as planned, expected or even hoped. My plan was for no epidural. I had "come from a long line of easy births" as my mother told me! I do have a high tolerance for pain so I really felt I could manage. I do, honestly, believe that had I not been surviving on no sleep in 24 hours that I could have managed just fine without the epidural. However, it was 1pm, 4cm dilated and I was worn out from exhaustion already. Since I didn't have a specific time of when I could expect to deliver I felt it might be a good idea to get the epidural and maybe I could rest. Well, the epidural was nice and brought relief but still no rest. So, baby #2 will be my attempt for no epidural! Guess we'll see how that goes!
My doctor discussed the possibility of a c-section if I didn't make any more progress but my cervix was thinning more with each evaluation so she let me continue to progress. About 7:45pm the nurse allowed me to start pushing. Once Ava crowned the nurse paged for my doctor to come. We waited and waited...she must have taken a dinner break! Ha! At 8:03pm on August 5, 2009, Ava made her grand entrance.
So, today is the marking of the first year of her life! Today I celebrate the awesomeness of my beautiful daughter. There are feelings and emotions inside that I know only another mother can understand. She is the definition of who I am. One of the reasons I was born. Every thought contains her. She is loved beyond the comprehension of the word itself. What astounds me even more is to know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father even more than I love HER and He loves HER even MORE than I can love her. How can one contain so much LOVE? He IS love! This has been the most life changing year of my life...and the BEST year of my life! I look to the days yet to come with a new hope, a new expectation and more days of watching my daughter grow...bloom and blossom!
So Happy Birthday my little Pumpkin Head! Thank you for being mine and being the sweetest little thing I ever could have hoped for. You will forever be loved unconditionally, just as you are. You will always be the smile on my face and the sparkle in my eyes. You are Daddy's Little Girl and Mommy's World...loved inside, outside, upside, downside and all around!
*Hugs & Kisses to you!*
8 Days old
To One Year Old

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bargain Carousel

It only comes around once a Christmas! It's the largest family yard sale I know about. It's just not in someone's yard or an outdoor location. It's an indoor, 1,000+ family sale. All proceeds benefit different charities in the Birmingham area. My first experience with Bargain Carousel was last year. The phrase "the early bird gets the worm" is something to take into consideration for the BC! I drag my husband with me b/c I like his input on things and he helps me make decisions. Last year our focus was strictly on baby especially. We scored last year! I furnished Ava's entire room for around $175! I wish I still had some pictures on my computer to show you right now. I had to re-paint most of it but when I finished you would never know I didn't buy it straight from a store. I bought a crib $30. Changing table $10 (and its a heavy duty piece of furniture). Desk with a book shelf and a little chair $75 (the most expensive thing I bought). Chest of drawers $20. Book shelf $7. Also, found some other miscellanous baby items too.
This year I planned on going again. However, I did not have a focus on what I'd like to get. Some furniture for the house would be nice but not a necessity. You have to pay $5 per person when you get there and they give you a number and then line everyone up by their numbers. I am convinced that ALL departments stores should implement this strategy for the day after Thanksgiving sales. I do believe it would result in better crowd control. Anyway...
Last year we were like in the 180's range. This year we were a stinking 308-310. I was disappointed b/c my goal is always to leave the house at 5am and get there by 5:30. It never fails that we don't even get out of the house until 5:30 and then Jordan must stop at the gas station for a drink. So another 15 minutes passes before we are officially on our way.
Regardless, we always have an enjoyable time and end up finding some really great deals. So our main intent was for stuff for the house. But as you'll see from the pictures below, Ava rules! :O) We found mostly some bigger toys for her. She's really enjoyed her new stuff and I've enjoyed watching her play! My biggest steal, in my opinion, is the little wooden riding toy. That would have cost $100 or more in the store but I paid $8! I was so pumped and just love it! So, go ahead and check out my Bargain Carousel purchases below. I'm already looking forward to next year!
These are some wall sconce shelve things. Plan on adding these to the photography office!
$2 each
A really nice large picture that is going to look just lovely above my couch! $10
Ava's table and chairs...we don't have a dining room table but Ava does! lol
Ava's walker $12
Radio flyer wagon and a riding/walking toy
Wagon $8
Toy $5
This is one of those black round chair things. I actually got this at a yard sale we passed on our way home. $5
The wooden toy!! LOVE!
I bought this rug at the same yard sale with the black chair. The rug is for the office and looks really good there! It's a $90 rug from Target. I paid $30. She'd only had it for 2 months and its clean and looks brand new!
I love to yard sale!!!!!! :O)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pray for Baby Stellan

Please visit and pray for Baby Stellan! He's already a miracle baby and now he's in need of a brand new touch from the Master's hand. Or you can click on the MckMiracle button to the right of my page to go to MckMama's blog and read all the details on Stellan. Praying earnestly.... christy

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Babies Don't Keep

I was reading one of the blogs I follow daily, MckMama, and she had the words of a poem by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton posted there. I read it and my heart melted. It's called "Song for a Fifth Child". I, by no means, have 5 children! I have only just begun my family with just one precious little girl. However, I understand the principle and concept behind the words. I feel quite sure that Jordan at times wonders if I'll ever clean house again; dust, sweep, mop, wash dishes, clean the toilets, etc. because to be honest, since Ava's arrival I have not been the diligent "keeper of the house" I once was. I have the greatest husband ever because he understands and although I'm sure it bugs him just a little, he doesn't get all bent out of shape over it and for that I am so thankful! I am aware of how precious time is and even more so of how precious time with my daughter is because I do not get to spend all hours of my day with her because, unfortunately, I have to work a full time job. Once I get home from work my time with Ava becomes the most enjoyable time of my day until Jordan gets home (yes, Jordan, I enjoy my time with you when you get home from work!). I love snuggling with her, making her giggle and smile (which really takes no effort at all b/c she is the happiest baby I can ever recall knowing), feeding her, changing her diapers (yes, I really do) and anything that involves her, I love...because I love HER!
So, when I read the words it was my route of justification for the lack of attention to housework and it just seemed so "fitting".
Song for a Fifth Child
Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo.
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
Beautiful, isn't it? Mothers will understand and appreciate it! I certainly did! Feeding Ava her last bottle before bedtime as she falls asleep in my arms is my most favorite time with her. That's when she has the softest, sweetest, most peaceful disposition of the day; just like an angel. I want to hold her forever just like that. Having a child is such a HUGE blessing from God and it breaks my heart for those who desperately want a child of their own to hold who struggle with infertility or other complications. My prayer is that God would grant them the desires of their hearts and allow them the opportunity to experience such a gift!
Love to all!

Friday, February 13, 2009

For Valentine's Day...

In honor of Valentine's Day...a day of LOVE...I wanted to post a SPECIAL blog for the LOVE of my life. My wonderful husband, Jordan (a.k.a. Jordy & Daddy).
I know I posted once before all the things I love about this man. That was last year for his birthday. This is this year...for Valentine's Day and there have been new things to make The List this year.
Jordan, just in case you didn't know already, here are a FEW reasons (14 for Valentine's Day)why ILOVEYOUSOMUCH!
  1. I love how you stand by your convictions, regardless of what others think.
  2. I love how you love Jesus and how passionate you are to be close to Him.
  3. I love how much help you have been around the house since Ava was born.
  4. I love how you took ownership of bottle washing and became the Bottle Washing King!
  5. I love how you have been patient with me while I adjusted to the new role of being a mommy and you have sacrificed your own time for that.
  6. I love when you warm up my side of the bed before I get in it b/c you know I don't like cold sheets.
  7. I love watching you play with Ava.
  8. I love to see her face light up when you walk into the have that impact on her and she adores you...I love that!
  9. I love to leave the baby monitor on in the mornings when you're getting her dressed so I can listen to you talk to her and hear her "talk" back to you. I smile the whole time!
  10. I love seeing you hold Ava in your lap while you read your Bible in the mornings...setting a beautiful example for her even this young.
  11. I love how you still hold my hand in the car.
  12. I love how you dream and you have not let situations and circumstances crush those dreams!
  13. I love your smile, your personality, how you make me laugh, how you make me smile.
  14. I love that you are mine!!

You mean the world to me and I would not be who I am without you!


P.S. Ava lovesyousomuchtoo!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My family...

It is not often, quite frankly, extremely rare to get any pictures of my mom. She just doesn't like to have her picture taken. So to have planned an actual session with her included was a very amazing thing. I'm sure if it had not been for my grandmother this probably still would not have taken place. My grandmother lives in Florida and does not get to come visit us often. In fact, I have not seen her since my wedding in 2003!!! Terrible, I know! She was able to come spend a few weeks with us during the Christmas holidays and it was such a wonderful blessing. She's actually on an airplane headed back home as I type this. My mom bought her a digital picture frame for Christmas and the whole reason for this photo session was to have some pictures of all her great grandchildren and her daughter to go on the frame. Hence all of the images below. It was a spur of the moment plot all taken and edited last night but I am happy to have some pictures of my mom and grandmother together....something to be cherished for a lifetime!
Have a safe flight home Grandma and hopefully we'll see you again much sooner next time! We love you very much!
My Grandma's hands...I love this!
Grandma with her Great Grandchildren
Mother & Daughter
My mom with Ava
I've wanted this shot for the longest time and I'm so glad I was able to get it last night!
My Absolute Favorite!!!!
My mom with all her grandchildren (so far)