Monday, November 24, 2008

"I like my thumb and I cannot lie"

I should have seen it coming. I saw it with my own two eyes during an ultrasound. The pictures below show that she finally figured it out. Usually the thumb is in the mouth with the other 4 fingers plastered to her cheek sideways. I try to extract thumb and insert paci whenever possible. But when she loses the paci in the middle of the night and finds her thumb its not the end of the world. And its also just too cute to boot! I pray she grows out of it and we'll deal with the issue if it continues as she gets older. Until then, I'll just laugh when I watch the fingers get close to the mouth and see the birdlike behavior until she finds the thumb just where she wants it. You'd really have to watch the process to really appreciate its cuteness!! And lately, she prefers the thumb over the paci...silly girl! Below those are just some other random pictures. *See, I really am doing better*
She LOVES her little play mat and could lay there for hours squealing at the toys that hang down. Don't you just love those cheeks?! She's such a chubby butterball!
These pictures were taken after she finished her very first bottle with cereal in it. She liked it but it didn't make her sleep any longer like everyone told us she would! She's always been a great sleeper anyway so it's not a big deal in our world. I can hardly wait to see how she enjoys some real deal baby food! Just a couple more weeks and we'll find out.

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