Monday, November 10, 2008


I am a blog a good kind of way. I could not even tell you how I have stumbled upon some of the blogs that I follow regularly. A link here, a link there and then I'm hooked. Here is a link to one of the blogs that I follow. Angie is the wife of Todd Smith who sings with the Christian group Selah. You can read about her and the story of Audrey on her blog. The 7x7 button on the right side of my page is a link to a list of 7 prayers that she prays over her children every day during certain times of the day. Click the button for more details. I am sharing the information with anyone who would love to join us in praying over our children. It is something that I have begun to do with Ava and for the times that she is awake and I speak these prayers over her she just illuminates with smiles and squeals. Call it coincidence or call it knowing her Creator's Words, either way, she LOVES it! And I know that it will begin to bloom and blossom in her life. So hop on over to the link and begin praying for your child(ren) today!!!!

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