Friday, May 9, 2008


There's at least one time in everyone's life when someone will walk into your life and completely change your course in life...hopefully for the better. Such a moment happened for me almost seven years ago when I met the man I now call my husband. God placed him in my life at a time when I had settled in my heart to be single and live overseas on the mission field for the rest of my life. I had come to a place of peace in "knowing" marriage was not for me. God was testing my spirit to see if I would just surrender MY WILL for HIS. When He saw the sincerity of my soul, in walked the man of all my hopes, dreams, wishes and fears. Yes! I said fears. Relationships scared me-heartache and heartbreak were too comfortable in my life; trust was something earned yet seemed so unattainable. Marriage frightened me. Every young girl dreams of her wedding day, right? Well...not EVERY one. It was a far fetched dream that could never be a reality in my life. Or so I thought. Sunday, May 11th, I will celebrate the day that God brought my miracle to Earth. Twenty seven years ago when he took his first breath God betrothed him to me. It would take 23 years of my life to meet him but I would wait another 23 years if I had to just to be with this amazing man. May is a special month, not only b/c its his birthday. It's also the month he proposed and the month we married in. Five years ago on May 17th we committed ourselves to the Lord and to each other. In one moment, every dream was fulfilled and a new flood of hopes and dreams were conceived. I give God the glory b/c this relationship has been one that has surpassed anything I ever could have imagined. I want to recognize His divine hand and plan in everything that we are, everything that we do and everything that we have. Without Him, none of this would be. So, one man changed the course of my life, my plans, my thoughts, my dreams, my everything. Would I go back in time to change it? Not for anything this world has to offer. In honor of the most wonderful man to walk into my life, I want to share 27 things I love most about him for his 27 years here! These are in no particular order. Jordy:
  1. I love your heart for the Lord.
  2. I love your desire to serve Him in all you do.
  3. I love your passion to please Him in word and deed.
  4. I love your compassion--not just for souls but for humanity in general. Your heart is bigger than this world and that blows my mind.
  5. I love how you love me and you're not too proud to tell me a hundred times a day.
  6. I love how you tell me you think about me all day and it still gives you butterflies. And how you tell me how beautiful I am even when I'm wearing no makeup and my hair is in a ponytail.
  7. I love when you make up silly songs at random times when we're together. *yes, I really do.*
  8. I love when you make that annoying screech sound in the garage that deafens my ears even though I swat at you EVERY time you do it. It's just a part of you and that's why I love it.
  9. I love that you will make time to study, pray and seek God's face on what's best for our family. And you will work diligently to put His plans into practice no matter how uncommon or unpopular it may be.
  10. I love that you're not afraid to work hard, sweat or get blisters and calluses on your hands b/c you're not a lazy man.
  11. I love the wisdom that pours out of you. I really am amazed at all you know.
  12. I love when you help around the house when you know I've had a busy week or I'm not feeling well.
  13. I really love when you cook dinner! :o) But I love it when we cook together even more!
  14. I love how our nieces and nephews adore you b/c you're not ashamed to just be a kid with them.
  15. I love how you encourage me and lift me up when I've had a bad day or going through a difficult situation.
  16. I still love it when you kiss me on the top of the head and hold my hand in the car.
  17. I love your excitement about becoming a daddy and having a Super Princess. And how you can hardly wait to be wrapped around her tiny finger...and her heart!
  18. I love that you will be the daddy to her that I always wish I'd had.
  19. I love your spirit!
  20. I love how you always celebrate my birthday with the Week of Christy even though I don't return that favor to you!
  21. I love how quickly you can make a decision...You ALWAYS help me make decisions when I'm shopping for ease my frustration!
  22. I love that you are willing to go grocery shopping with me even though there's always something else you could and would rather be doing.
  23. I love when you fill my car up with gas for me and will even make a special trip just to do it!
  24. I love how you see the best in me when I can't.
  25. I love knowing that you pray for me and that you sacrifice so much for me. You really do.
  26. I love the security and stability that you are in my life. Knowing you will always come home to me brings more peace in my life than you realize.
  27. I love you b/c you are YOU. You were knit together in your mother's womb just for me. Even though that is just a fraction of your purpose, you light me up inside.

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! I look forward to all that lays ahead. I love you more today than a thousand yesterdays combined!


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