Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Tomorrow is the one day a year that is set aside to actually give Thanks for our many blessings. It's really kind of sad that we designate just one day to give thanks when we should all give thanks on a daily basis. I recognize more and more that EVERY day is a blessing from God and that without Him we would not even be here. The Bible says that IN HIM, we live and move and have our being. I believe that Scripture to be very much true! My new goal is to really take on an attitude of gratitude and live every day with a thankful heart for ALL that God has given me and ALL that He has done IN my life. He has done SO MUCH for me this year. Let me list just a few things:
  • I was blessed with the opportunity to go back to Uganda twice this year and witness miracles, signs and wonders!
  • We were able to sell our house.
  • God told us He would build us a house and that is exactly what He has done.
  • God brought my dad home from Louisiana and he and my two brothers were the instruments God used to build my house.
  • I will be moving into my new house before Christmas and it really is a beautiful home that I know was built out of love. My two Daddy's built my house for me.
  • I have been in excellent health this year.
  • I have had food on my table and a roof over my head and I am thankful for that b/c I know that there are so many people in this world that do not have such things.
  • I have a job that I enjoying being at (most days! LOL)
  • I witnessed God's hand in the healing and renewing of my favorite supervisor who is like another mother to me!
  • I was able to buy a brand new car this year.
  • I am blessed with so many wonderful friends!
  • I am EXTREMELY blessed with a WONDERFUL family that LOVES me and would do anything for me.

I would love for everyone who reads this to just take a short amount of time to reflect on all that God has done for you this year and just send up praises to Him. He is so WORTHY of them!

I pray that your Thanksgiving is blessed and that you all have a wonderful and safe time visiting all of your family and loved ones. Don't eat too much...but savor all that you do! :O)

I love you all so very much!!!!

P.S. Tomorrow is also my birthday~just one more thing to be thankful for...well you should be thankful for me at least!!!! LOL Just kidding! Muah!